
What is a Recovery Round Up?

The annual Recovery Roundup is a weekend-long conference for members of Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Alateen. It is an open event to  families and friends of people in recovery; anyone is welcome to attend.

We come together as a recovery fellowship to share our experience, strength and hope with each other.

This event offers a variety of workshops and meetings, as well as live entertainment, raffles and opportunities for fellowship.

This Year's Theme

We are people who would not normally mix. Alcoholism does not discriminate – it impacts every age, race, gender, ethnicity. But our common problem has a common solution, which starts with the fellowship of AA.

 In the rooms, we find people who look different but feel the same. The success of AA proves that this fight cannot be won alone, and this year’s Round Up is especially focused on bringing people together. 

Together, we find strength, healing and inspiration. Register for the 2024 Round Up and take the first step towards creating the fellowship you crave.

He will show you how to create the fellowship you crave.

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First Waves Round Up: A Retrospective

In 2006, during a Steering Committee Meeting of Cape Atlantic Intergroup, our then-treasurer, Doug G., suggested we consider ways to raise money so we could afford a better office to store our literature and perhaps have committee meetings in.  (That very same afternoon, as new Chair of Intergroup, I had been thinking of starting a “roundup” which our current group could sponsor. I prayed and asked my Higher Power to show me a sign that this could be a reality.)  I shot my hand up (realizing this was God being anonymous) and asked our Intergroup Leaders if they were interested in a potential AA Roundup.

We were unified and agreed that I was to create a proposal  – dates, costs, location, and feasibility.  It was suggested I present this idea to the entire Intergroup that following week – seven days from that date of inception! I began calling my friends from AA – Joey H. of South Jersey Intergroup agreed to “co-chair” the roundup if I would “chair,” and Heather Ann S. of Area 45 agreed to be our first Registration Chair and create original art work. Our team was forming!

A group of us met at Borders Book Store in Hamilton, NJ (a mere three (3) days after calling upon my service-minded friends), and there were 12 of us in total.  After three hours and many hot lattes, we agreed upon a location: the Wildwood Convention Center and a name: The Waves of Sobriety!  We finished the proposal, which included the registration and banquet prices, and the cost for the hotel for the weekend.  Our proposal was ready for presentation!  

During the Intergroup meeting, I pitched the idea to our full body of representatives. Joey and Heather Ann stood up and gave enthusiastic pitches in support of The Waves of Sobriety’s first weekend roundup, and it passed unanimously! Our first Roundup was held that November and it was a huge success – a success continues to this day!

Keep going Waves of Sobriety, carry the AA torch of hope!

In AA Love and service,
Robbie W.
Waves of Sobriety, 2007 Chairperson