Steering Panel and Committee Chairs

What is a Steering Panel?

The Intergroup Steering Panel is made up of volunteers in service positions, that are elected by the body every two years.

They "steer" the activities and operations of business for the Intergroup. Collectively, they oversee the administrative, financial and procedure guidelines as outlined in the BYLAWS of the Intergroup. The Chairperson of the Panel appoints volunteers to lead the Committee work of the Intergroup.

How long is their term of service?
The Steering Panel Officers serve a two year term. The current panel will serve:
January 2024 - December 2025

Duties of the Panel
Below you can view the job duties of each position. Contact them directly to learn more.

Email & Job Duties

About the Committees

The Intergroup Committees are designed to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous in specific ways; to our members, to our Groups and to the geographic community of Atlantic, Cape May and Ocean Counties.

The committee work is done by volunteer members. The Intergroup Chairperson appoints the Committee Chairs every 2 years. 

Some committees have only the Chair as the lone member, while others have many members on their committee. A number of committees have regularly scheduled meetings where members come together to discuss how they will go about fulfilling the duties of their committee. LEARN MORE

The majority of the committees are looking for volunteers; please contact a committee chair to learn more.