What is a Steering Panel?
The Intergroup Steering Panel is made up of volunteers in service positions, that are elected by the body every two years.
They "steer" the activities and operations of business for the Intergroup. Collectively, they oversee the administrative, financial and procedure guidelines as outlined in the BYLAWS of the Intergroup. The Chairperson of the Panel appoints volunteers to lead the Committee work of the Intergroup.
How long is their term of service?
The Steering Panel Officers serve a two year term. The current panel will serve: January 2024 - December 2025
Duties of the Panel
Below you can view the job duties of each position. Contact them directly to learn more.
Email & Job Duties
Reports to: Cape Atlantic Local Groups and Meetings
Job Duties
- Have full knowledge of CAIG By-Laws
- Be familiar with the guidelines of Central Offices, A.A. Traditions & Concepts.
- Appoint Committee Chairs (as needed)
- Have full knowledge of the responsibilities and functions of all positions at CAIG
- Coordinate and oversee all committees and chairpersons
- Review the agenda for, and facilitate the CAIG Business Meeting (Monthly)
- Appoint & discharge Special Committees (as needed)
- Have knowledge of governmental forms and when they are due (as needed)
- Attend Steering Committee Meeting & Business Meeting (Monthly)
- Makes an effort to attend and support CAIG events or encourages other panel/committee member to attend
- Ensures CAIG is represented at Area 45 quarterly Assemblies & presents reports on behalf of CAIG
- To be the point-of-contact for important services as they relate to CAIG (As needed) eg. insurance policies.
- Write and present reports for both Steering and Business meetings.
Reports to: Chairperson
Job Duties
- Have full knowledge of CAIG By-Laws
- Be familiar with the guidelines of Central Offices, A.A. Traditions & Concepts
- Have full knowledge of the Chairperson’s responsibilities
- Have full knowledge of the responsibilities and functions of all positions at CAIG
- Ensure all Committees & their Chairpersons follow through on their responsibilities.
- Works with the Corresponding Secretary to maintain a contact system for all Panel & Committee chairs.
- Write agenda for, & facilitate, Steering Committee Meeting (Monthly)
- Facilitate CAIG Business Meeting in the absence of the Chairperson (as needed)
- Responsible for ensuring that the CAIG keys & CAIG safe are secure
- Ensure that all Committee Chairpersons write & submit their monthly reports
- Makes an effort to attend and support CAIG events or encourages other panel/committee members to attend
- Be supportive of, and work with, Special Committees
- Write & present reports for both Steering Committee & Business Meetings
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Takes minutes at Steering and Business Meetings
- Collect all Panel and Chairperson’s Monthly Reports
- Edit minutes after review
- Print and file all minutes in the appropriate locations
- Distribute minutes to all attendees of the meetings and Intergroup Representatives
- Attend all Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Manages and maintains a database of contact information for CAIG groups
- Send out email reminders to all Panel members, Committee chairs and IGR’s regarding upcoming meetings or CAIG events.
- Write & present reports for both Steering Committee & Business Meetings
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- In the absence of the Recording Secretary, takes and distributes minutes at Steering and Business Meetings
- Write letters and answer correspondence (As needed)
- Attends all Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Write & present reports for both Steering Committee & Business Meetings
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Adheres to the AA Guidelines on Finance.
- Deposit all accounts receivable including Literature funds, in a timely manner.
- Receive contributions by mail. Copy checks, complete bank deposit slips and deposit contributions in adherence to the bylaws.
- Responsible to distribute any other mail to CAIG panel and committee members.
- Use any appropriate accounting system to maintain and reconcile accounts.
- Keep accurate records of all accounts receivable
- Receive and audit financial reports from Committee Chairs holding events.
- Reimburse Committee Chairs and members for out of pocket expenses and budgeted funds.
- Distribute budgeted funds to appropriate committees, vendors and members as needed.
- Attend Audits as necessary.
- Compile necessary information & work with tax preparation professional for annual tax preparation
- Write & present reports for both Steering Committee & Business Meetings
Reports to: Treasurer
Job Duties
- Works with the Literature Chair to insure sales and accounting of purchases are completed in a timely manner.
- Works with Literature Chair to purchase and maintain an adequate literature inventory.
- Performs periodic physical Inventory of all literature materials.
- Sets and maintains the pricing of literature as needed
- Maintain the Literature Checking account statements and receipts.
- Maintains the physical files in the CAIG office for all Literature sales and receipts.
- Attend Audits as necessary.
- Assist Treasurer (As needed)
- Work with Treasurer to compile necessary information & work with tax preparation professional for annual tax preparation
- Use any appropriate accounting system to maintain and reconcile accounts.
- Write & present reports for both Steering Committee & Business Meetings
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- The Trustee is to take an advisory position on all CAIG matters, only sharing his/her experience when called upon.
- Acts as parliamentarian in the absence of the Policy and Structure Chairperson.
- Has prior experience as a Panel officer or Committee Chair in service with CAIG.
- Have knowledge of CAIG bylaws, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts and Robert’s Rules.
- Attends both Steering Committee & Business Meetings.
About the Committees
The Intergroup Committees are designed to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous in specific ways; to our members, to our Groups and to the geographic community of Atlantic, Cape May and Ocean Counties.
The committee work is done by volunteer members. The Intergroup Chairperson appoints the Committee Chairs every 2 years.
Some committees have only the Chair as the lone member, while others have many members on their committee. A number of committees have regularly scheduled meetings where members come together to discuss how they will go about fulfilling the duties of their committee. LEARN MORE
The majority of the committees are looking for volunteers; please contact a committee chair to learn more.
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Ensure the Intergroup remains financially efficiently by creating an annual budget.
- Examine the previous year’s budget to make an accurate projection (Annually)
- Collaborate with the Treasurer to create a yearly Intergroup budget (Annually)
- Monitor Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable to ensure that the created budget does not require adjustments
- Provide written reports for Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Provide coffee and refreshments at the CAIG monthly business meeting.
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Provide written reports for Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Works directly with any Recovery Facility currently holding or seeking to schedule an in-house A.A. meeting, adhering to the A.A. Guidelines on Treatment Committees.
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Responsible for assigning volunteers to speak at Recovery Facility. This selection happens monthly at the Business Meeting.
- Monitor and confirm volunteers are keeping commitments.
- Monitors and makes available the meeting materials for volunteers.
- Provide written reports for Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Provides literature at CAIG meetings, events and at Areas special events.
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Take regular inventory of literature and CAIG Meeting Lists.
- Responsible for the supply of the CAIG Meeting List.
- Coordinates with the Literature Treasurer to purchase literature based on inventory & sale history.
- Complete sales orders and pick-up/delivery
- Enter literature sales into computer
- Receive & verify shipments and stock shelves
- Coordinates with the Literature Treasurer to maintain & publish price list
- Assemble packs of meeting lists for sale
- Write & present reports for Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Create and publish a newsletter at least four (4) times annually.
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Solicit content for the newsletter from volunteers and Groups.
- Recruit members to assist in editing the newsletter
- Negotiate and maintain relationship with printing contractor to ensure publication timely and at a competitive price.
- Write & present reports for Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Oversee the storage of records and materials at the CAIG office.
- Keep track of all supplies on hand, purchase necessary supplies
- Keep accurate records and provide receipt to Treasurer & Budget Chair
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Seek approval for expenditures over $200
- Manage reimbursement requests from other committees.
- File documents, receipts, reports and minutes.
- Maintain office bulletin board with updated information
- Work with the Policy & Structure Chair to create and distribute Intergroup Representative kits.
- Write & present reports for Steering Committee and CAIG Business Meetings
- Attend Steering Committee and CAIG Business Meetings
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Monitor and maintain the systems that manages phone calls to the CAIG Hotline number, in accordance with the A.A. Answering Service Guidelines
- Acts as main contact for Phone service companies.
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Maintain a document of contact information on all Hotline volunteers.
- Maintain a document of contact information for 12 Step volunteers (12 Step List)
- Maintain Instruction/Training document for Volunteers.
- Update and report to Hotline volunteers monthly, providing support and fostering unity.
- Recruit/promote open time slots. Create flyers to attract volunteers.
- Work a 2-hour weekly time slot, answering incoming calls.
- Answer any missed calls and return voicemail messages.
- Write & present reports for Steering Committee and CAIG Business Meetings
- Attend Steering Committee and CAIG Business Meetings
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Creates and understanding of A.A. in the community in adherence to the A.A. Guideline on Public Information. and the A.A. Guidelines Cooperation with the Professional Community
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Responsible for recruiting volunteers to participate in community events
- Facilitate speakers and provide pamphlets to Intoxicated Driver Resource Center. (IDRC)
- Distribute literature to businesses and organizations such as police stations, conventions, school boards, etc.
- Create & distribute public service announcements for newspaper & radio
- Write & present reports for Steering Committee and CAIG Business Meetings
- Attend Steering Committee and CAIG Business Meetings
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- To be the point of reference and caretaker for Robert’s Rules, and the CAIG By-Laws
- Settle any Robert’s Rules questions as they arise at CAIG Steering or Business Meeting
- Works with Office Manager to prepare, maintain & distribute Intergroup Rep Service Manual
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Organize & facilitate CAIG Inventory (Every 2 years)
- Assist Groups in taking a Group Inventory (As needed)
- Write & present reports for both Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Responsible for the execution of the annual CAIG Waves Roundup in accordance with the A.A. Guideline on Conference, Conventions and Roundups.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee. Works with CAIG Treasurer for any reimbursement of funds.
- Responsible for the collective knowledge binder of prior Roundup events, policies and procedures.
- Chair the monthly Roundup committee meeting.
- Negotiates the details of the event location contract.
- Appoints the Roundup committee chairs
- Oversee and manage the project timeline
- During the Roundup:
- Works closely with committee members to ensure proper set-up, routine, hospitality, and entertainment.
- Acts as the point of contact with the event staff.
- All monies received from the Roundup event shall be deposited into the CAIG Operating Account within three (3) business days following the event.
- After the Roundup, prepares and delivers final financial report to CAIG.
- Write & present reports for both Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Facilitates the virtual meeting for the CAIG Steering and Business Meetings (monthly)
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Provides technical support to other committees as needed.
- Management of office technology, eg. office computer, internet connection/hotspot.
- Acts as point of contact for Internet service provider company.
- Responsible to maintain all Audio/Visual equipment used for remote meetings.
- Provide written reports for Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- To facilitate fundraisers & inform local groups of Intergroup Services
- Plan the annual Unity Breakfast, Picnic, and New Years Eve Event
- Form Subcommittees for each event
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Inform groups of special events Create flyers to advertise the events
- Negotiates the details of the event location contract.
- Responsible for the collective knowledge binder of prior Unity events, policies and procedures.
- All monies received from Unity events shall be deposited into the CAIG Operating Account within three (3) business days following the event.
- After each Unity event, prepares and delivers final financial report to CAIG.
- Write & present reports for Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meeting (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Maintain the CAIG Website health/stability and the site content, in accordance with the A.A. Internet Guidelines
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- Acts as main contact for site hosting and security management services
- Research and recommend website technology/features to improve the site.
- Recruit website committee members to assist with site content and administrative duties.
- Manage the maintenance of all A.A. Meeting List data for publication on the site and for printed CAIG Meeting Lists.
- Publish and maintain key CAIG business documents; eg. by-laws, meeting minutes, job descriptions, guidelines and training materials.
- Assign and manage email accounts for CAIG Steering Panel and Committee Chairs.
- Manage site calendar, events and news on a timely basis.
- Write & present reports for Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meeting (Monthly)
Reports to: Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Job Duties
- Organizes educational sessions to aid members in understanding our program of recovery.
- Inform groups of special events Create flyers to advertise the events
- Selects a co-chair, forms a committee, as needed
- Review prior budget allocated for the committee and submit annual budget request.
- Manage the budgeted funds allocated to this committee.
- After each workshop, prepares and delivers final financial report to CAIG.
- Provide written reports for Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)
- Attend Steering Committee & CAIG Business Meetings (Monthly)